Girls night out

Girls night out
I am the one on the right

Saturday, December 29, 2007

wanted ...

What to do ...

I like B a lot but he seems to just not be that into me?

one of my biggest problems in relationships is that I tend to over analyze everything
I need to feel special and wanted I need to know they are thinking about me the way I am thinking about them.

I want my sms to be replied to within 5 min, I want to have someone make the effort to come see me and be with me, I want the security of knowing if I ask them to be there for me they will, no questions asked! Is this an impossibility am I living in a dream world? All I want is for someone to make the effort to show me I am special and worthy.

B and I have been smsing normally I initiate the conversation I have to wait for my reply and when I ask if he will join me out he said he was tired and going home...

But the sms are sweet with lots of mwah's and nicknames such as swt and luv are there is he really into me or am I reading into something thats not there?

I have no strength left to go into anymore one sided relationships, I have had enough of those to last me a life time...

Yes I am still playing the game but what should I do? Until I know what B wants from this I feel like I should still be playing, I do like him but I need to be made to feel wanted.

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