Girls night out

Girls night out
I am the one on the right

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dating underage girls for dummies

Underage dating for dummies

If your dating an underage girl...

1) Expect her to be jealous that you have other female friends
2) Expect to have to fetch her and take her home (as she can not legally drive yet)
3) you need to pay (because she obviously does not have a real job yet)
4) You need to win over the parents and respect the curfews home by 12pm or she will be grounded!
5) You need to wear protection face it she does not know about the "pill" yet (let alone all the other female things you need to do if your having sex)
6)If you doing it make sure her parents don't find out!
7) If they do run like hell (especially if daddy has a shotgun)
8) Expect those teenage dramas
a) to mom and dad "I hate you" "I am running away" "I am moving in with my boyfriend" (even though you have no skills and means to earn a living)
(don't worry about school who needs it anyways)
(Yes he loves you... has he actually said the word? (If you have then your just gonna have to eat the shit when she does not understand why you cant live with her)
(when she does not tell her parents where she is to spite them, be prepared to get the blame) (no matter how much you think they like you, she is still there little girl, and your taking her innocents away)
9) they will not understand "your just a friend with benefits" (they might say they do but really they don't they see you as the boyfriend" once you have slept with them they are emotionally attached to you (don't argue! they are they don't have the emotional maturity to not be)
10) when they ask to move in with you because living with mom and dad sucks RUN, RUN LIKE HELL
11) its cheaper to buy them glitter pens as baby's are expensive
12) Not using a condom on your side is just plain stupid
13) you have to convince the bouncers at night clubs she wont be drinking
14) You are probably one of there first real relationships and they cant wait to act like an adult and make it serious!)

Benefits of dating underage girls

1) Easy to get drunk
2)Easy to get into bed
3) They put you on a pedestal and trust your every word
4) You look great to your mates she is young and pretty
5) she wants to do anything you ask
6) she wont ask you to wear protection because nobody has explained properly what will happen if you don't
7) she is unlikely to have any STD'S as how many guys could she have slept with

Now that you have read this are you still keen to date that underage girl ?


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Of course, most of these apply to dating overage girls as well. I'm sure you're perfectly oblivious to that though. Classic! LOL!

Anonymous said...

your a dumb ass.
your acting ass if the girls are 12 years old.
most girls are fucking 17 years old dating over age men.

Anonymous said... 17.
i dont act like that,and im sure many other girls dont either.
i suggest you change the whole benefits shit.


you have no good advice.and running like hell wont do good.

Anonymous said...

i'm 19 and my girl (been together over a yr) just turned 17 and i think most of the stuff is spot on. Her parents know we have sex though and they care less than me. nonetheless solid summary IMO

Timeshare points said...

Wow I have had quite a few responses... First for those of you who think this was written because of an ex leaving me for an underage girl you are wrong, lol this was written by observing one of my close friends younger girlfriends and what happened during their relationship, Yes I am generalizing and not all underage girls act like this but the emotionally underage ones seem to show a lot of these problems anyway its my opinion relating to one situation by all means don't think this applies to all underage girls some of my closest friends are underage and dating older men and show none of the above problems, so decide for yourself... Your not a sheep if she looks like she is mature enough to handle the relationship then go for it,

Anonymous said...

dont listen to them, this is good advice. lol im 21 and the girl is 16. i'm not a creep. im mature for my age, i've been through alot of shit people could only dream about and so has she in her own ways. i feel like i can connect to her as a person way better than my last girlfriend who was 18 and a complete ditz-tard. most of these made me laugh but still all too true. lol props for writing them down...later :D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Really a very nice post .. really a good one.. dating Services/

Unknown said...

Who is your hott friend in the middle of the piture tell her I said HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Anonymous said...

This is exactly how young girls are. My "girlfriend" is REALLY underage (she's 12) but for me its mostly for the sex. Shes always trying to act all mature but I dont care because she never says no. I dont even need to do much for a "date" just get some McDonalds and then come back for sex and shell say yes every time. We should use condoms more often but she doesnt ask so meh. Shes not preg and her parents dont know so its all good.

Anonymous said...

This is like a guide on how to abuse children
Seriously anyone who would do this is just plain sick
At this age girls are immature and while they may hide this, ypu a an adult should not use it as an opportunity
to the one above me: GO TO HELL F****** PEDOPHILE

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous you have a very valid point and I think you may have missed the sarcasm as the above was supposed to make 20 something men think twice before dating younger girls. Unfortunately youngsters are going to engage in the actions above(generalizing) and if I can plant one little seed in their head to use protection or to think twice before getting into that kind of relationship then I think its a good thing! Yes the post above yours is sick and if I could remember my password to log into my account I would delete it but alas it is gone from my memory and the email address used to open the account is closed so I am a little stuck on fixing that comment. You can't stop people from doing the things they want to do but some information on what they getting into can hopefully prevent the spread of disease and unwanted pregnancies!

Anonymous said...

I think that its correct as that in ALL states and most of the world dating a girl under the age of 18 when you are older is illegal and should not be allowed by any parents though I would like to add in there that even if they do say I love you until there is a ring its not real! lol and thank you for sharing this only a man would get mad about this post only a real dumb man would ^^

Anonymous said...

Two words JAIL BAIT..and to parents that let their daughters date older guys they are just as guilty as they guy....

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is wrong with you having sex with a twelve year old girl? You are disgusting and should be in jail you monster.

Anonymous said...

Agree completely

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely disgusting and deserve to be put in jail and raped anally repeatedly, see how you like it.

Anonymous said...

And do you even know what the word "bigot" means you unintelligent creep?

Open Minded said...

Interesting. Anyone who posts an aggressive bad language reply should face facts. They are sad lonely individuals. If you don't like it that much why did you read to the end. The beauty of the internet is that you can close the page if you object to what is on there - Or hasn't your mummy shown you how to do that yet ?

Anonymous said...

This is fucking stupid

Anonymous said...

Good for u. I wish I could fuck a 12 year old.

Anonymous said...

Does she have an older sister... Or younger sister?

Anonymous said...

I think if a relationship is done properly and there is commitment on the older persons part age shouldn't be to much an issue. The age masterbation starts is a perfectly reasonable age to start dating if it's done right, no coercion or force involved. People need to face the facts 32.5% of males are attracted to prepubescent girls, like it or not.

Unknown said...

Pretty fun and thought provoking lol. One correction though, you said be prepared to have her home by 12 pm. Well unless her cerfew is 12 noon I think ill be keeping her out late. Remember 12:00 comes first on the clock. 12 am is midnight. That might come in handy when impressing a teen girl... Who don't even seem to know basic shot like that anymore.